big sigma software development company

Web Applications Development

Custom-built web apps that make your business outperform

The development of Web Applications enables all types of enterprises, small companies, and technology start-ups to build software accessible on the web from all modern devices.

At Big Sigma, we always look for the most efficient and cost-effective solutions to implement our customers' software projects on the web, making them SEO-friendly and traceable by the main search enignes.



PHP and PHP Frameworks

Ruby on Rails


And more ...

From attractive business websites, to complex real-time big data platforms that are the core of growing and innovating start-up companies, no project is too small or too complex for us.

At Big Sigma, our web development work revolves around using the most trending and robust technologies to build analytics, marketing, social, and commercial software applications that get used across a variety of industries.

Web App Development Process

Gather all pieces of information from all sources.

Structure a database with the gathered information according to your needs.

Build the actual engine that transforms, manages, and portrays the information.

Launch the app on a reliable infrastructure that can be scaled when needed.

Make the app accessible from all modern devices and browsers.